Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Lab Days.

I'm a little torn about our Thursday lab days.

On one hand, they usually go by pretty quickly because they're interactive, we're up and about doing things, joking around and having a good time. And the faster we get through them the faster we get to Friday, which is obviously a good thing (it was a little better when Fridays were optional). Lab days can be fun.

On the other hand, they are by far the. most. stressful. days of the week. And many times I would rather die than perform a scenario in front of my class that I know I'm going to fail. But that's how we learn, right? So, like everyone else, I just suck it up and do what I can while trying to hide my terror. Doesn't make it any less stressful though.

So I guess those two extremes kind of cancel each other out in a way. I can run through the full range of emotions and stress levels, but at the end of the day I'm neutral again. A strange day indeed.


just a pocketbook Brando

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