Saturday, September 6, 2008

To Begin.

Well hello there, intrepid web-surfer!

I have no idea how you made it here, but you seem to have located yourself at my shiny new blog, in my own little corner of the internet. I suppose we'll start with an introduction:

My name is Adam. I live in Eastern Canada with my girlfriend, where I have just begun my training to one day(fingers-crossed) become a fully-licensed Paramedic. My course is 10 months long, condensed from 2 years which it had been previously. Needless to say it will be intense, and unforgiving. Much like the job itself I suppose. I have 6 months of in-class theory and labs( a test and a lab every week), then 2 months on an ambulance and 2 months in the hospital. I am absolutely terrified by the fact that in 6 months I will be working on an ambulance. I know by then I will have the training I need, but still...

Now, becoming a Paramedic was a fairly recent decision in my life, it hasn't been a "life-long" desire or anything like that, but it has become something of an obsession. It's a goal, a dream, whatever. I have a degree in Psychology but for some reason I never could decide on how to put it to use. I enjoy Psych, but I feel like it was more the theory that interested me as opposed to the application. I have always enjoyed learning and attempting to help others, and I think I've found the perfect outlet for that in Paramedicine.

In regards to this little blog, well, we'll see how it goes. I
'm new to Blogger and not so familiar with it yet. I've tried things like this in the past and my posting was very inconsistent. I'm trying to get myself into the habit of writing more often. It's a good place to let out all of the random and silly thoughts that run around my head. The main inspiration for this came from several other "Paramedic blogs" that I read constantly. "Street Watch" and "On The Clock" being my favorites. I have to say that Street Watch, by Peter Canning was a major influence not only on my writing, but in my decision to become a Paramedic. I had been on the fence about the career for some time, but after reading his stories, and his very encouraging posts regarding newcomers to the field, I felt that it was something I could actually do. Mr. Canning, if you ever happen to read this post, Thank You! You have no idea what an impact you have made on me. I only hope that one day I can have even a slightly similar impact on someone else. You're an inspiration.

Now that we have that out of the way, I can focus on future posts and keeping you all entertained... which is a daunting task. As for right now, though, it
's late, I'm tired, and I have a long day of studying tomorrow for my first test on Monday... Medical Terminology. Yeehaw. It will be the easiest test I write for the next 10 months, that's for sure.


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