Monday, October 26, 2009

Take Me Back.

Some of you must remember these from YTV. I didn’t want to overload you with the nostalgia but I couldn’t leave any out. They’re all so great. I still find that some of the music pops into my head at odd times even to this day. And these haven’t been broadcast in some 14-15 years. I have to say I still enjoy The Pyramid music, as well as the Rubber Duck song. What kid couldn’t?

I can still picture my parent’s living room as it was back then as I sat on the sofa and was totally entranced by this music and the animation that to me, now, is obviously right out of the early 90’s. It reminds me of not having a care in the world, other than to watch YTV for hours on end, of course. How things have changed.

I hope they bring back similar memories for someone else. Enjoy.


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